Build Olander’s Nest
Our easy, no frills fundraising. All proceeds stay at Olander and no selling is necessary!
Grocery Coupons:
Using reloadable grocery store cards from King Soopers is an easy way to support Olander. Please follow this link to support our school.
Morning Fresh Dairy Caps 4 Cash:
Turn your Morning Fresh Dairy milk caps in the collection bin outside the office. They’re worth 5¢ each. This money is put towards Olander’s Angel Fund to help Olander families in need.
Fund Drive:
Please consider partnering with us to provide enhanced learning opportunities for students at Olander! You can make a difference, because every child deserves a fun and engaging educational experience. Every little bit you give helps! We cannot do this without you. Support Olander today by clicking here. Thank you!
Partnering contributions can also be dropped off or mailed to the Olander office.
Fund Drive support funds provide: Schoolwide student headphones, technology bins and online learning supplies; innovative lesson materials; resources for social-emotional wellness; new equipment for Art, Music, and Physical Education; books for the library; new technology; personalized learning subscriptions, and so much more!